Thursday, January 16, 2014

Parent Coaching for Healthy Families!

Is your family healthy and thriving and you want to make sure it stays that way?

Is your child transitioning into a new school or new developmental phase?    

Are you wondering if you are doing it "right'?  

Do you just generally wish you had a cheerleader?

Are you looking for creative ways to honor the passage of time?

These are all reasons that happy and healthy parents and families hire parent coaches.

I think there's a perception that parent coaching is only for parents who have reached the end of their rope.  

I consider myself happy and healthy (depending on how challenging my four year old is being of course).   As part of my training for parent coaching I had three rounds of coaching and I am about to have one more.   Here's what I worked on:

First Series (8 Sessions):   The main issue that I worked on during this coaching series was how I could feel more productive and organized with my days.   It's over a year later and I am STILL using the amazing strategies my coach and I co-created.    This coaching series, in such a simple way, really changed my life and alleviated so much stress.   I now have a great balance between production and relaxation.  

Second Series  (8 Sessions):   During this series I worked on my "date nights" with my husband, moving out of parenting an infant and into having a rich relationship of our own again.    One huge realization that I had during this time was that "date nights" were not fun for us.   Since we live in a small town, we would go out and run into people we know WITH their kids (making us feel like we should have brought ours along), or we'd go somewhere where I knew everyone (the extrovert) and  bobbed around in my usual social butterfly way while my husband sat back and observed.   However, I still felt pressure to have these date nights and "try" to have fun.  In contrast, my husband and I ALWAYS have so much fun when we are exploring something new in the city.  We both love interesting food, music and adventures.    Despite all the experts who say that you should have a date a week to  have a good relationship, we've opted for less dates but higher quality.   This has really worked so much better for us and our relationship is thriving with carefully selected outings to the city.

Third Series (8 Sessions):  During this series I worked on nutrition with my family and with myself.    Having this intention helped me in so many ways, especially cutting down on sugary foods and realizing what I was already doing really well.

Future Coaching Series:      I will be working on several challenges--1.  Balancing extracurricular activities with down time.    2.   Getting some insight on my own feelings of annoyances with my daughter's challenges on making decisions.      3.  Handling a very recent increase in whining.  

Here's a great article about Parent Coaching.

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Creative Crossings. Peggy Rubens-Ellis, M.Ed. Certified Parent Coach: Parent Coaching for Healthy Families!

Parent Coaching for Healthy Families!

Is your family healthy and thriving and you want to make sure it stays that way?

Is your child transitioning into a new school or new developmental phase?    

Are you wondering if you are doing it "right'?  

Do you just generally wish you had a cheerleader?

Are you looking for creative ways to honor the passage of time?

These are all reasons that happy and healthy parents and families hire parent coaches.

I think there's a perception that parent coaching is only for parents who have reached the end of their rope.  

I consider myself happy and healthy (depending on how challenging my four year old is being of course).   As part of my training for parent coaching I had three rounds of coaching and I am about to have one more.   Here's what I worked on:

First Series (8 Sessions):   The main issue that I worked on during this coaching series was how I could feel more productive and organized with my days.   It's over a year later and I am STILL using the amazing strategies my coach and I co-created.    This coaching series, in such a simple way, really changed my life and alleviated so much stress.   I now have a great balance between production and relaxation.  

Second Series  (8 Sessions):   During this series I worked on my "date nights" with my husband, moving out of parenting an infant and into having a rich relationship of our own again.    One huge realization that I had during this time was that "date nights" were not fun for us.   Since we live in a small town, we would go out and run into people we know WITH their kids (making us feel like we should have brought ours along), or we'd go somewhere where I knew everyone (the extrovert) and  bobbed around in my usual social butterfly way while my husband sat back and observed.   However, I still felt pressure to have these date nights and "try" to have fun.  In contrast, my husband and I ALWAYS have so much fun when we are exploring something new in the city.  We both love interesting food, music and adventures.    Despite all the experts who say that you should have a date a week to  have a good relationship, we've opted for less dates but higher quality.   This has really worked so much better for us and our relationship is thriving with carefully selected outings to the city.

Third Series (8 Sessions):  During this series I worked on nutrition with my family and with myself.    Having this intention helped me in so many ways, especially cutting down on sugary foods and realizing what I was already doing really well.

Future Coaching Series:      I will be working on several challenges--1.  Balancing extracurricular activities with down time.    2.   Getting some insight on my own feelings of annoyances with my daughter's challenges on making decisions.      3.  Handling a very recent increase in whining.  

Here's a great article about Parent Coaching.

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